Monday 29 April 2013

Japan: Culture Shocks

It’s only natural when you travel to compare things with how they are back home. As you might expect there are a fair few differences between Hull and Osaka and I could easily write a good thousand words on the subject after only a week, but I won’t. Instead, I’ll show you some of the things I managed to photograph that have struck me as a bit odd here.

There are zebra crossings everywhere and they’re all completely pointless. I learned pretty quickly not just to step out and expect the cars to stop – if you do that you’ll get mowed down sooner rather than later.

I see this sign with what appears to be an ill dog on it absolutely everywhere. I’ve also never seen a dog shaped like this - its body looks like a loaf of bread.

There’s very little grass and I don’t know why.

Thirsty? How about some lovely “Pocari Sweat”? I like to imagine that this is bottled at the source: the armpit of a sumo wrestler in a sauna.

50 lemons! Imagine eating 50 lemons! Surely that much vitamin C is a lethal dose.

Again, what’s with the citrus fruit obsession?

Fancy having some friends round for a few cheap beers? You should be so lucky. This is a 24 pack of the local beer in coca-cola sized cans and it costs just under £30.

I was still pretty jet-lagged when I took this video so I wasn’t sure if I was hallucinating or there was actually an ancient Japanese guy rocking out in the park. Well worth a watch!

I also find it odd that I’m in some kind of time warp. I seem to have been taken back to 2007.

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