Sunday 12 May 2013

Japan: Umeda

A bad thing happened…

Yes, last night was the night I discovered the Irish bar. I felt terrible when I woke up, but with Sunday being my only day off I figured I really should make the most of it, so I went off to another part of central Osaka: Umeda.

The underground station in Umeda doesn’t feel like an underground station at all. There are no hobos, it’s clean and there’s even a water feature (and no, a man peeing up the wall at Kings Cross doesn’t count as a water feature).

I saw this building next to the station. Space must really be at a premium if they’re building around train lines.

A little way down the road is the Umeda Sky Building. It’s fairly new and fairly weird. The thing that looks like a crane in the middle is actually a fire-escape – I think I’d rather die than have to tackle all those stairs.

There’s also a ferris wheel mounted half-way up a building…

…and a bar with a Nazi chicken as its mascot.

As if the Irish bar wasn’t enough already, I came across a German bar too. At roughly £7 a pint, this could be an expensive couple of months coming up.

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