Wednesday 9 February 2011

Year Abroad: Hannover

Hannover – the day I almost killed my own Grandmother.

My family was over to visit in February for a few days and they’d already seen Bremen, so I decided to take them on a day out to nearby Hannover. I had not however considered the implications of taking a 70+ year old woman on a 5 hour walk when it was about -2°c outside. I’ll admit I struggled at points, so god knows how my grandma survived.

Hannover’s city centre is chock full of historical buildings and churches.

Most of them have roofs, well, all except this one actually. It’s been left as a reminder of the horrors of the Second World War (That’s me on the left wearing full winter attire with considerably thicker hair than my Dad).

We walked around a bit seeing the sights before settling in a café opposite Hannover’s town hall for possibly the smallest and most expensive Apfelstrüdel in all of Germany. It arrived on a huge rectangular plate which had gotten me quite excited – unfortunately the Strüdel itself occupied about 5% of it, while poncy swirls of chocolate powder and cream made up the rest.

Before heading back to the warmth of the beer-hall, we stopped off at the riverside to see some interesting sculptures. I’m pretty dense when it comes to art, so I have no idea what they’re supposed to be/what they’re meant to represent.

By the time we got back on the train my poor old Gran was done in. She fell asleep on the train and almost got kicked off by the ticket inspector, who thought she was riding without a ticket. Thankfully by February my German was good enough to tell him otherwise!

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