Friday 27 January 2012

UK: Edinburgh

I was a very deprived child. My birthday falls on December 23rd, so every child got a party but me. “It’s too close to Christmas” they said. After 22 years I decided I’d had enough, so I “moved” my birthday to the end of January and decided to pack up a few mates and a change of underwear and head up to Edinburgh.

Although the middle of winter isn’t exactly the ideal time to be going north of the border in terms of weather we made the most of it and had a really good time. There were some sore heads on the Sunday morning though!

 I figure this is Scotland’s poor attempt at recreating the houses of parliament.

Me and Will, who had come over to visit from Bremen, went up to Edinburgh Castle, but it cost a fortune to get into. This was the entrance!

We went for a few quiet ones on the Friday night…

…then Will struggled to use a phone box to call home in the USA.

The Saturday night is a blur to me. We started drinking early and finished late – at least I didn’t feel the cold.

Dale pulled with a little help from his friends…

…and Will got a little over-excited when he met a fellow Yank in a bar!

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