Tuesday 30 April 2013

Japan: Namba

Four steps to a successful days exploring

1.    Put on your shoes youre not going far without them.
2.    Put on your shades how else are you meant to impress/scout the local talent?
3.    Put on some tunes this can be any album you want as long as its Wasting Light by FooFighters.
4.    Go!

Thats by no means an exhaustive list, Id say that having a shower and some breakfast are pretty important too, and its unlikely youll get far without putting some clothes on, but I wanted to be dramatic.

Anyway! I finally got the chance to see some of central Osaka today when I visited a district called Namba. Its mainly a shopping area but theres a tonne of interesting stuff going on and some really impressive buildings. This was my first proper time out on my own so I had to use the train not the easiest thing to do when you dont speak any Japanese.

I strode confidently to the ticket window at the station and mumbled my way through the sentence Id been repeating in my head for a good 20 minutes beforehand - Namba kippu ku da sai, which translates as One ticket to Namba, please according to Lonely Planet. Whatever I said must have worked because I ended up with this, and I made it to Namba unscathed.

My first stop in Namba was Namba Parks a new ten-storey shopping centre where the shops arehidden among one huge interconnecting park.

Memorabilia shop in Namba Parks

Namco Arcade

Unfortunately Ive not been in Beaver since arriving in Japan. Im hoping to find time for it soon.

Once Id seen everything there was to see in Namba Parks, I headed outside to find possibly one of the longest, and busiest, arcades in the world.

I did indeed stick out like a sore-thumb.

The locally famous Glico Man

and an idiot taking a photo of himself at it.

This would make a killing in the UK a vending machine full of beer flanked by a champagne dispenser.

This huge big wheel was right near the arcade, but the queue was huge.

A Namba side-street

A big dragon.

By the time Id finished battling through the endless sea of Japanese people and the odd fat American tourist Id worked up quite an appetite. Unfortunately most of the restaurants were packed and my limited Japanese language skills meant Id struggle to get a table anywhere, so I thought Id try the local street food Okonomiyaki. I think its basically a ball of flour and cabbage with octopus inside. It might sound weird, but they looked delicious

...they were awful.

I retreated with my tail between my legs to try and find the nearest McDonalds or supermarket. Luckily I found a Family Market that sold sandwiches

The choice was either chicken or strawberries and cream. I played it safe and got the chicken.

After lunch I went searching for an area called Den Den Town, which Id heard was worth a visit. Its the geeky quarter of Namba; filled with electronics shops, trading card exchanges and, strangely, a few transvestites.

This building had a huge arcade on the ground floor.

Inside a retro-gaming shop in Den Den Town.

Japanese geeks in a trading card shop. I like to think they call themselves Jeeks.

Of course I was on the lookout for Pokémon cards, but it seems theyre not that popular in Japan anymore. Eventually I managed to find one cabinet with them in. I could feel my 10 year old self screaming at me just to buy all of them. A Charizard will set you back ¥3,800 (£25).

Back on the street again I got quite excited when I saw this. A Turkish guy selling kebabs!

A little down the road I realised Id wandered away from the PG area and into the weird anime,dressing up part of town. This young lady was handing out flyers.

I couldnt go without having a quick look around!

Who needs real women when you can have cartoons?

I was out a total of 7 hours, so I was done in by the time I got home. I’ve still not seen everything central Osaka has to offer though; Namba is just one of the citys various central districts. I think I might need to give my legs a rest tomorrow though so the rest will have to wait.

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