Thursday 2 May 2013

Japan: Osaka Aquarium

Supposedly one of the best in the world, Osaka aquarium is located in the port area of the city. I’m not generally a fan of aquariums and zoos – I think once you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all, but this one was actually quite impressive.

The main building.

And the giant Ferris wheel behind the shopping centre opposite.

You enter the building through the middle of one of the fish tanks…

…and you come out into a forest area full of things that live in Japanese rivers.

There’s one huge tank in the centre of the building with sharks and all kinds of other fish in and you work your way down a gentle slope with other tanks and displays around the outside. Rather than upload all 50 pictures I took of the various fish, I’ll just do a few.

These are sardines and anchovies – good in a tank, but probably better on a pizza.

An Octopus…

…and the cafĂ© next to it serving Octopus dumplings.

Huge crabs.

They even had a tank for humans!

Of course, what aquarium would be complete without penguins?

You could even touch a stingray or shark if you felt the need to.

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