Friday 31 May 2013

Japan: May Food Blog

I’ve gotten over the habit of taking photos of every meal I eat now – I’ve started to get used to the food and some of it is actually really good. I still haven’t been brave enough to eat much raw fish though.

Yakiniku continues to be a favourite of mine. I thought of opening a restaurant up in Hull, but realised pretty quickly that giving a chav beer and allowing him control of an open flame probably wasn’t ideal.

Lunch is usually something with rice. I’m so good with chopsticks now – I can’t wait to beat everyone at Operation when I get home.

Seen in the bakery near my school. Safe to say I didn’t bother.

Korea’s answer to an omelette apparently.

I actually had no idea what this was when I was eating it. For all I know I ate a big heap of foreskins. It was decent though!

When I’ve had enough of rice and foreskins, I head to McDonalds for a good old fashioned artery-clogging burger.  

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