Tuesday 6 August 2013

Topdeck: Monaco

We didn't have too much time to spend in Monaco, in fact it was under 3 hours, but I'm very glad I went, even if only to tick the world's second smallest state off my list.

We saw the cliff-top fortress which has housed the Grimaldis since they seized power in 1297 before wolfing down the cheapest pizzas we could find (most restaurants were charging at least 20 euros for a starter and most of the cash machines were paying out in €100 notes!) I couldn't resist the temptation to wash it all down with a Leffe though.

Afterwards, me and Phil walked part of the F1 track, including the tunnel and start line before toasting to 10 years of friendship with our legs dangling into the harbour where the billionaires keep their super-yachts - a fine way to end our time in the principality.

Next Stop: Pisa, Italy

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