Monday 5 August 2013

Topdeck: Nice

It was a long drive down the the French Riviera, which seemed like another world compared to Switzerland.

We wasted no time after setting up camp - we threw a decent mix of spirits and juice into a big plastic box and mixed it up before making our way to the beach across the road for a sunset beach party. Things got quite messy quickly and I'm certain this was the night when the cold that lingered among us for the rest of the trip started spreading. After drinking punch in the Mediterranean while looking both up at the stars and across at the illuminated Nice, everyone went back to camp, where the next morning was spent waiting to see who would emerge from which tent while we ate breakfast.

On our free day in Nice, some bright spark had the idea of renting roller-blades. I hadn't done it for at least a decade, so I was quite shaky to start with. I dressed accordingly with short-shorts and a headband which got me plenty of looks on the promenade - I can only assume they were jealous stares.

After stopping for a prosciutto and gelato break (not at the same time, don't worry), we spent some time on the beach before getting ready for the next leg of our journey.

Next Stop: Monaco

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