Thursday 14 June 2012

Germany: Berlin, again.

The Berlin Wall came down 42 days before I was born on November 11th 1989 and the divide between East and West is still visible in most parts of the city. In a way it helps add to the draw of the place, it’s like two cities for the price of one and I always love to visit.

After my few days in Bremen, I hopped on a train to the German capital to visit my friend Stephan.

Stephan lives very close to the best kebab shop in town (Döner Turm), which may or may not have swayed my decision to visit. He’s also got the phone number of a guy who makes amazing cheeseburgers which are just as good eaten cold the morning after – the man is the king of fast-food networking!

Drooling in anticipation at the Döner Turm.

After multiple foodgasms, I went to do some sightseeing. Although I’ve seen most of Berlin before, I always manage to find something new.

Brandenburg Gate - It’s always a strange feeling knowing that you could be standing in the same spot that men like Napoleon and Hitler once stood.

The Jewish Memorial – also used as climbing frame by the less-educated tourists.

The Reichstag – a fire started here was blamed on the communists and allowed Hitler to gain absolute power. Today it’s where the German parliament sits.

Berliner Dom – Berlin Cathedral with the TV tower in the background.

Berlin Town Hall

Berlin’s victory column. It was moved by Hitler to its current position. The artwork around the sides which originally depicted a German victory against the French has been left in its partially destroyed state as a poignant reminder.

After all the sightseeing we went off to the Sony Centre on Potsdamer Platz and found a huge Lego giraffe.

 View of the Sony Centre from above.

The East Berlin skyline.

To finish it all off we went for one last Weißbier. The glass says quite simply “drink more beer.”

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