Thursday 20 September 2012

China: 1 Day Lost in Kunming

My goal for today was to explore and get to know a bit of Kunming. My original idea was to just hop on the bus to the city centre and have a bit of a nosey around like I would in any normal European city. For some reason the fact that I was in the middle of China had slipped my mind - there is no proper city centre.

I was out for a grand total of 6 hours, I was lost for approximately 5 and a half of those hours. I did get some nice snaps though!

I stumbled across this market pretty early on. I would have gone in but I had my phone and wallet on me...

This was Green Lake Park. I managed to get a taxi there by pointing at a picture in my guidebook.

No prizes for guessing why it's called Green Lake Park...

Park entrance.

After spending a good half hour walking in a crowd and being a foot taller than everyone I found a place called "The French Café". The staff weren't French, neither was the food, but I did spy my first Westerner outside of school.

From what I could tell this was some kind of art gallery.

One of the many streets I was lost down.

No matter how far you go you can never escape Starbucks.

A shopping centre?

The Chinese translates directly as "Federal Ministry for Keeping Dale Silk out of China."

Good to see the Chinese have a sense of humour.

I'll be honest, I don't know what this was.

Pagoda with shops.

Another street.

A lovely gate. I was shattered by this time and needed to find a taxi quick.

A "genuine" Apple store.There's one on pretty much every street.

Shortly after taking this picture I managed to hail a taxi. He didn't drop me off where I wanted to be, but I can't really argue considering I speak hardly any Chinese so I just walked. Now I'm all dusty and my legs hurt. 

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