Sunday 23 September 2012

China: A Taste of Tibet

After two weeks of rice and noodles I was ready for a change. My boss and his family were going out to meet his brother's future wife and in-laws (apparently a big deal in Chinese culture). I, somewhat rudely, couldn't pass up the opportunity to tag along. What ensued was possibly one of the weirdest dining experiences I've ever had...

The night started by being crammed into a car with 6 other people for a good twenty minutes, only one of them spoke any English. After much nodding and gesturing we arrived at a Tibetan restaurant somewhere across town. This was a proper painting, not just a print out!

Before the food came, a group of traditionally dressed Tibetans brought out a huge horn. I wasn't quite sure of the significance if I'm honest...

After what seemed like ages, the food arrived. You have no idea how happy I was to see something that wasn't rice or noodles. We had a selection of potatoes, broccoli, cabbage, grains and mushrooms as well as some questionable pee coloured tea. It wasn't quite a kebab but it was an improvement.

When everything was done and cleared away we were treated to what I think was dancing. At the end the "dancers" came off the stage and into the restaurant to drag people up for a weird Chinese hokey-kokey around all the tables. I got dragged up and it lasted about 15 minutes. Not ideal after a big meal!

We were then treated to the weirdest fashion show I've ever seen and invited to take photos with the "models". I like the guy dressed as a lampshade.

To finish off the night we were treated to a solo performance from this guy who I like to think is called Chenrique (Half Chinese, half Enrique). He was amazing.

We were then shooed out of the restaurant, and to be honest I was ready for bed. Weekends are killer here!

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